“I have been challenged and inspired like never before”

Pursuing a career in the arts is so often out of reach for those without any financial support. NYAT’s bursaries are helping talented students like twins Mhairi and Leah, pay for their training at drama school and thrive.
Twins Mhairi & Leah applied to us for an access bursary to help them pay for their training at drama school. Leah describes the impact of training at RADA and having NYAT’s support behind her:
“[At drama school] they have helped me grow and discover who I am as a person. I have been challenged and inspired like never before.
I come from a low-income family and without the support of NYAT it would have been impossible for me to have taken up this incredible opportunity and be living my dream.
Thank you once again for your support. Honestly, it gives me so much fire and determination to know that I have support behind me. It gives me peace of mind to not have to agonise over my financial situation.
I now feel confident and determined to make a future in this industry.”
Mhairi is studying at Guildhall School of Music and Drama and explains the challenges she’s faced and how NYAT has helped her achieve her goals:
“It’s been the most exciting, but also the most challenging year of our lives. Everything about ourselves and the world has been challenged. I have never wanted to get up more in the morning.
Getting into Guildhall was the biggest goal I have achieved in my life and I remind myself daily of how lucky I am to be studying there.
Since the death of my Dad when I was 16, I’ve had to be completely financially independent. Your contribution has made all the difference.
This type of support is invaluable. It gave us the permission to focus on the work without any financial worries. Thank you so so much.”