We are moving!
This news story is from 7 October 2022.
Our weekly youth theatre workshops in Hull are moving to theatre company Middle Child!
We are back in Hull this autumn term in a new venue thanks to Middle Child. Sessions begin at Bond 31 on High Street in Hull, from Monday 10 October.
Hull-based company Middle Child, create gig theatre that brings people together for a good night out with big ideas. They believe in a fair and equitable world, where anybody’s story can be told and heard.
We’ve worked in Hull for a number of years ensuring that young people from lower income families have a space to express themselves; to make new friends and most importantly access to free workshops.
We unearth emerging talent, make bold and exciting work, give a chance for young people’s voices to be heard, and offer a practical, affordable and realistic springboard to further education, including a potential theatrical career.
We go on theatre trips, run masterclasses with industry professionals and put on productions.
If you or your associated young person want to form a company and perform your stories then come and join us on Monday evenings, 4-6pm for young people aged 14+
For more information email admin@nationalyouthartstrust.org.uk or call 07891 835589.