Free theatre ticket scheme

Our free theatre tickets help young people experience the magic of theatre for themselves.

We have distributed over 680 free theatre tickets to young people who mostly couldn’t attend the theatre otherwise. This gives them rich experiences they would otherwise never have, and it is thanks to the generosity of our wonderful donors and supporters.

“Thank you so much for the opportunity to see the show. We really enjoyed it!”

“Thank you so much. I did attend and I had a great time. I haven’t had much opportunity to see Shakespeare and it can often feel like it’s reserved for the elite and “educated”. Having a free ticket to the show allowed me to be exposed to something I wouldn’t have normally seen and even more so, it allowed me to feel like I belonged there. I definitely want to see more Shakespeare in the future and this has really opened up my eyes to it.”

Are you a young person?

If you’re aged under 25 and live in the UK, and find it difficult to attend theatre because of the cost, please subscribe to our scheme.

Support us

Would you like to help young people to benefit from this scheme?

Or please get in touch if you are a theatre company or work with a production and would like to offer free tickets to young people through the scheme. Many thanks!